Location Information

  • Nature's Atelier
  • 431 Rendezvous Rd,, Vasse, Western Australia, 6280 AU

Story Tellers

Rusty Keeler Nature Play Designer/ Author / Speaker

Dream Big

My Dream is for all children to have freedom to play and grow in beautiful safe environments with caring adults, nature, loose parts, risk, hills, gardens, sand, water, mud, rocks, junk, and chickens!

Start Small

I started designing nature play spaces one at a time when I was in my 20's. My first project was a dirt mound and I was so happy! Then I kept going. Little by little, yard by yard. Dirt mound by dirt mound. And over those 30 years I've gotten to team up with so many amazing folks around the world doing great things for children and keeping the big dream alive! Step by step by step. I love it. I'm still so happy!

Never Stop

Supporting children in play is the good life! I'm planning to do it for my duration. Now my big dream is to inspire as many people as possible to Dream Big, Start Small, and Never Stop! All of our small steps together make a BIG LEAP FORWARD! Let's do it! It's happening!!


Daniel Burton Advocate/Playful Human/Uncle

My Big Dream is of a world where nature's wisdom and children's authentic voices guide the creation of vibrant, connected communities and that every human being has an open sense of curiosity and wonder, embracing the possibilities inherent in people and their connections within nature.

I started small as a primary school teacher and then branched out to start a small business (just Trudi Bennett and myself) running nature playgroups that grew into an organisation with 28 staff, that runs programs all over Perth, WA and engages with people globally through workshops, professional learning and advocacy!

I have not stopped, I continue to advocate for children’s right to PLAY and connect with NATURE. I continue to grow Educated by Nature (with Trudi Bennett and a phenomenal team), a social enterprise dedicated to creating playful opportunities for people to engage deeply with nature and each other, fostering personal growth, community and cultural repair, and environmental stewardship.



Gillian McAuliffe Dreamer/Advocate/Mother

My Big Dream is that one day all children will have the opportunity to engage with their world in a responsible and authentic way alongside committed and passionate mentors and guardians.

.I started small with children aged three and four in a kindergarten setting in Perth Western Australia, Bold Park Community School evolved to be a project for children aged three to eighteen. Along the way we shared our story with anyone who would listen. Started a world movement with International Mud Day, connecting the children of earth through the earth.

In line with the dream all those year ago I have not stopped and now advocate for children by filling in the gap of birth to three with Nature's Atelier. At Nature's Atelier we continue to consolidate all we have I have learnt and to invite other dreamers to share their stories.


Trudi Bennett Nature Play Advocate/Story Teller/ Mentor

My Big Dream is that children grow up in a world where they see themselves as part of the ecosystem, forming meaningful relationships with plants and animals, and being part of a community that honours the power of connection.

I started small by listening to children’s ideas, passions, and dreams, experimenting with different ways to co-create learning experiences. This allowed groups of children to follow their interests, curiosities, and projects alongside other wonderful educators in a primary school environment.

I have not stopped practicing how I can deepen my own connection with nature, using all my senses, so that I can bring these stories and connection skills to the children and educators I work with.

https://educatedbynature.com/about-us/our-staff/ OR just www.educatedbynature.com

Tania Moloney Nature-preneur, Author, story teller

I’m on a mission to help educators feel inspired, empowered, supported and excited to open the door to nature more often - for children and for themselves too.

I want children to experience that the biggest and best difference they can make for the planet is to care for the nature that’s right outside their door. I want them to know that their voices matter and their actions can inspire others to care for nature too.

My hope is for children to fall deeply in love with the natural world, to know in they hearts that they are not just part of nature, they are nature.


Angus Gorrie Advocate/Human/Dancer

My Big Dream is a greater and reflective appreciation of the childhoods many of of us experienced, enjoyed, were

challenged by, and grew from that are both consciously and unconsciously being denied to many children today.

I started small working within the school aged care sector in QLD (OSHC). From the amazing play conditions that were born from this setting opportunities to share grew and now I with the OSHC sector, schools, early years settings and community groups to enhance play opportunities for children Australia wide.

I have not stopped tapping into the front line of practice, supporting children and educators on the floor and also love to contribute behind the scenes growing an evidence base, advocating change and inspiring others to join in this task!


Natures Atelier Mentors Fabulous Children's Advocates

At Nature's Atelier our mentors have Big Dreams for all children on our planet. They understand that small things matter and pay attention every day. All day every day they NEVER STOP but also from day to day, week to week, year to year they strive to support our children in the very best way they can.

Beau Deurwaarder Beau is a father / a “Mud Dad” / and an Eco-Philosopher.

Dream Big -

I have a dream that the human race can one day turn it all around - that maybe, just maybe, throughout the next twenty five years we will finally listen to the scientific community and act meaningfully and urgently to reverse climate change. I have a dream that the children at Nature’s Atelier will revere and protect nature when they are older - and that the stories they will tell their children will no longer be about biodiversity loss, extinction and extraction, but about renewal, rewilding and regeneration.

Start Small -

I draw great inspiration from Greta Thunberg and her sentiment that ‘no one is too small to make a difference’. In fact, I believe that it is the smallest in our communities that can inspire the biggest difference, and that it is our responsibility as grown ups to amplify these voices in order to answer their call for action.

Never Stop - I will never stop fighting for my child’s future.

Narelle Dawson Dogged/Advocate/Optimist

My Big Dream is to imagine a world where education at all levels is compulsory to teach Global Citizenship. A world where we would see children growing up understanding the wider world and their place in it. A world where they feel empowered to take an active role in their community and beyond, and work with others to make our planet more equal, fair and sustainable. Surely in an ideal world we can make a difference by creating a generation of global citizens who feel empowered to tackle sustainability problems, sociocultural issues and environmental protection. Children in our care even if only for one year can be exposed to and made aware of global problems and wanting to solve them, in a broad sense, should have a positive impact on the world.

I started small with taking a look at what Global Citizenship currently looks like, what it will look like in a few short months and what it can look like moving forward, as an integral component of our curriculum for every child, every day, every year……yes embedded!

I will never stop researching, experimenting, advocating and practicing the most effective ways for children’s voice to be heard by community members. When children only attend our Service for one year the impact needs to be immediate, long lasting and not get lost in the process of formal schooling.


Kylie Keane Playworker/Advocate/Mentor & Consultant

My Big Dream is a world where play is no longer viewed as an ‘add on’, where it is valued and understood as the best way for children and young people to make sense of the world around them, as being fundamental to their own, and their communities, wellbeing and properly viewed and respected as a right; as stipulated by the UNCRC.

I started small advocating for play in an OSHC context before discovering that the approach I was taking in my practice was in fact Playwork. I then committed to spending extensive time overseas, and within Australia, immersing myself in all things Playwork and as a result truly believe it is the best approach to working alongside, and with, children and young people. I helped lead that OSHC through two rounds of Assessment and Rating, receiving Exceeding, which gave us the ability toapply for Excellence which we were awarded twice, in large part thanks to embedding Playwork. I am now a consultant, travelling the country, and beyond, hoping to make this possible for all ECEC and schools across Australia.

I will never stop advocating for play and breaking down the barriers that exist for all children and young people to be afforded the time, space and freedom to play. These barriers are often a result of adults misconceptions, a lack of understanding and/or competing agendas. It is my mission and vision to eradicate these misconceptions, support the lack of understanding and advocate against the competing agendas, and I do so by embedding Playwork through all facets of my life. Play is every child and young persons right, and as such, it is our responsibility!


Gill Howarth Dreamer. Storyteller. Advocate.

My dream is to create spaces for children to feel accepted and loved for who they are. The follow on from this dream….My BIG DREAM… is that our world learns to place value in the “invisible” processes of childhood and the unique skillset of each individual child. Play. Imagination. Creativity. Nature Connection. The world needs extroverts, do-ers and actioners….BUT we desperately need the introverts too. The quiet ones. The dreamers. The imaginers. I advocate for all children to be who they are - but the processes of the inner world are something I hold close to my heart.

I started small by making a simple commitment to trust in my heart and instincts - to follow my gut.I spent time listening to the voices of children but also listening to the stories of adults who did not feel safe to be who they were as a child. I reflected on my own childhood. I observed the way our culture views childhood and learning. These small steps helped me to carve out a new path towards those Big Dreams….

As an adult I’ve never stopped dreaming. I am a Dreamer by nature and over time, I’ve learned to see this as a strength and it’s how I’ve been able to share my work in the world. I’ve come to realise that our BIG, lofty dreams are very much connected to our sense of HOPE. And HOPE is important. What do we hope for? What is possible? For me, to never stop dreaming means to never stop hoping.


Madeline Avci Adventurer/ Visionary/ Collaborator

My Big Dream is that all children have ample access to movement, play, being outdoors and real life connections so that they grow into adults who cherish and perpetuate these values.

I am deeply passionate about advocating for children's well-being, and I’ve dedicated my career to making a meaningful impact in their lives. As the Founder of Jump Up For Kids, my mission has always been to help children and families thrive, especially in today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world.

Through my work at Jump Up For Kids, I strive to provide a sanctuary of support and guidance where families can find the "just right" experiences in their daily lives. It brings me immense joy to see how our outdoor therapy practice has empowered so many children to unlock their full potential, fostering their growth in a natural and engaging environment.

I am also passionate about spearheading professional development programs and fostering collaboration across different sectors to create a broader, lasting impact in our communities.

For me, this journey is about the transformative power of combining passion with expertise to serve a greater cause—helping children, families,educators, and communities thrive together.


Jill McLachlan Teaching Principal/Professional Muddler/Lover of Words

My big dream is that we would treasure the spaces we design for children to the same degree we treasure museums and art galleries... that we would recognise places for children as sacred and worthy of deep consideration.

I started small, cause that's the only way one can ever start, one little step forward at a time. I try to remember to value small decisions, taking them seriously, knowing they accumulate to support much bigger directions. Starting small has also meant choosing to say yes to what is possible now, in the hope of something more tomorrow.

I will never stop asking "what if?". For me, nothing is ever finished, I never "arrive". I'm always looking for ways to challenge uncontested "normal" practices to make sure we know WHY we are doing WHAT we are doing. In this way, my gaze is always focused on my intentions in the now and on imagining new possibilities for a better future together.

Bobbi-Jo Burkitt Adventurous/Enthusiastic/Empathetic

My Big Dream is to ensure children are able to authentically connect to our natural world. To see themselves as part of nature, rather than separate. I want children to immerse themselves in nature; to awe at nature’s simplicity and magnitude all at once, and to learn to respect our living world.

I started small steps at Childspace to create an outdoor nature programme for our children. Childspace in Wildspace! It has provided us such a unique opportunity for our children to connect to nature and enhance our community connections.

I will never stop playing and laughing, and marvelling at the wonder and curiosities of children. I will never stop seeking out moments in nature to connect, regulate, and explore, and I will never stop be grateful for this life; for its simple moments, for its hard once, and for this wildly human experience


Renata Biancardi Visual Artist /Educator/Mother

My big dream has always been to inspire others through the power of art.

I started small, nurturing my passion for creativity as a child in Brazil, surrounded by vibrant colours and diverse artistic influences. What began as simple sketches and doodles soon grew into a lifelong love for all things creative. I turned that passion into a career with a Fine Arts and Art Education degree, and ever since, I’ve been dedicated to sharing the joy and possibilities of art with others.

I’ll never stop exploring new ways to inspire and connect with people through teaching, collaborating, or creating. Art is more than just a way to express myself—it’s a transformative tool that can spark imagination, build community, and help us see the world from new perspectives.

Emily Jacobsen Nurturing | Understanding | Wild

My Big Dream…. Is to support children and families to thrive in our natural environment. To grow connection to land, to self and to take risks to create an authenthic life.

I started small…. By creating a consistant excursion programme in early childhood education, visiting our local bush, exploring our limits and finding slow wonder.

I will never stop …. Taking risks to create an education system that empowers authentic and holistic growth.

Angie Pannone Creative/Resourceful/Adventurer

My big dream

Is to have a world full of differences that we can all celebrate in.

To care for ourselves, acknowledge each other and grow a world of beauty, wonderment, and moments that leave us in ore.

To think outside of the box and look deeper within ourselves. To look out for one an other

To grow both within and out , to seek out the things that make us all shine.

I started small...

I started within myself and went on an adventure I never thought I would do...

to start a job in daycare...years later

I have never felt more connected with a whole new world of possibilities opening up.

To be the odd one out but to understand the feeling of acceptancey all at once and help children understand and grow themselves.

I shared my love of art and adventures to help children find and grow their own sparks

I will never stop

I sharing my love of art and adventures to help children find and grow their own spark. To be the one who helps children find it and watch as their eyes burn bright in delight is something I'll always cherish

Sandra Hesterman Reverent/ Quizzical/ Advocate

My big dream for young children is founded on the belief that every child should experience joyful and playful learning environments where their individuality is celebrated. I envision spaces that encourage creativity and innovation, allowing children to explore their interests and curiosities. In this dream, playfulness is not merely an activity but a vital outlet through which children express their unique identity, develop critical thinking skills, and embark on adventures that spark their imaginations. By fostering such an environment, I dream of a world where all children are inspired by a sense of wonder, enabling them to find happiness in learning every day.

I started small, teaching in schools and caring for children, ensuring that they felt safe, valued, and respected. I believe that when children are empowered to voice their opinions and act on matters that are important to them, they develop a sense of being acknowledged by others and express empathy towards others, making them not just learners but responsible inheritors of this earth. By prioritising their voices in decision-making processes and listening to their perspectives on their lived experiences, we ensure that their ideas and designs for a future that is equitable, inclusive, and liveable are heard. This approach fosters community engagement while promoting a strong sense of belonging and well-being.

As an advocate for children’s fundamental rights (United Nations, 1989), I will never stop championing the integration of child-initiated and self-directed free flow play into early childhood education, where children learn to navigate their world with confidence and creativity contributing to their knowledge, understandings and skills, and to those of others through involvement in collaborative endeavours. Innovative and authentic learning experiences can support child agency and accommodate their ambitions. I dream that every child, no matter who they are or where they live, will be an active participant in shaping their own learning journeys. In doing so, they will foster a lifelong love for learning with resilience and joy.

Melissa Britto Daydreamer/Carer/Critical thinker

My big dream is that wellbeing is accessible to all, and I hope to contribute to systemic changes that enable this. I love the way that music (and all creative languages) offers us space to tune into our own spiritual wellbeing, as well as offering opportunities to experience collective harmony. To feel that on a sensory level re-energises us and tunes us into something bigger than ourselves… we must give children the chance to feel that in their bones.

I started small as a music-loving teacher invited to craft a music program. I was trusted to think creatively and I trusted the children to show me how I needed to lead them. I learned to work reflectively, with creative children and specialists, to turn big artsy ideas into inspiring experiences.

I will never stop feeling moved by sensory experiences… whether an offering of nature or fellow humans, these things tune me into the essence of the human experience. I hope to share this joy with the children in my care.

Kimberley Beasley Nurturing/ Creative/ Thinker

My dream is for children to have a childhood where they feel free, heard and valued. A childhood where they know they are a part of the natural world and they form strong relationships with plants, animals, soil, water and the sky as if they are close friends or family.

I started small as a kindy teacher working from my heart and following my intuition. I noticed children being calmer when they were surrounded by trees and plants and decided to do something to add more nature to playspaces for children. I never stopped learning, gaining additional qualifications in landscape design, horticulture. Then I had questions and pursued research through a masters then a PhD. I love sharing my passions and new knowledge at every opportunity in the hope of inspiring educators to get children in nature.

I will never stop being curious and asking questions. I will never stop advocating for children to have opportunities to build a beautiful life-long relationship with nature.

Stay in Touch for more Story tellers

Registration Information

1/  Choose Registration Option

2/ Mark the Sessions you wish to attend

Checkout: If you have a coupon apply it at checkout

Pre- Registration is available upon checkout, secure your  spot we don't pay until 15th March 2025

Please Register for all sessions you wish to attend. Additional sessions will be added to breakout sessions over the next few months and you will be notified so you add them to your flow. 

PLEASE NOTE: Options for joining the children and mentors at Nature's Atelier are currently restricted to friends from Interstate, International and Far North WA, as places are very limited. However, if any places remain after the 1st of July 2025 they will be opened to Western Australian participants. If you are from Far North  WA or wish to arrange a visit at another time please contact us at [email protected] . 

Whole Community Gatherings will be available for everyone.

Gathering Extras will be available over a time range so people can join when they please.

Breakout Sessions will have limited numbers.

Optional Extras for Regional Encounters will be offered on Thursday the 11th and Monday the 15th of September. We will organise opportunities for tours of Caves/Indigenous Encounter, Wine/beer Tours, Wildflower Walks, Open Studio Tours.  If you have anything you might like to access which we could help you with please let us know.

Travel to Vasse

Travel to Vasse can be done by Air from Sydney and Melbourne (We anticipate that other Australian Capital Cites will be added before the Gathering in 2025.) Days offered are limited so please check.

Book Via Jetstar to Busselton/Margaret River Airport.

Bus Travel available from Western Australian locations through


South West Coastlines 

Car Hire in Busselton 

Northside Rentals 




Location Information

  • Nature's Atelier
  • 431 Rendezvous Road, Vasse, Western Australia, 6280 AU


Passionate Children/Play /Nature Advocates, Early Childhood Professionals, Teachers of all age groups, Allied Health Professionals, Community Playworkers, University TAFE Educators,Policy Makers from all Organisations and levels of Government.

  • Early Bird Registration Price of $825 valid for all registrations before the 15th of March 2025

    Full Registration of $880 from the 16th of March

  • Full Registration split in two payments.
    Half payable upon booking with the balance due by the 1st of July 2025


12th September 2025

  • Registration, Land Art and Guided Tours

    Registration, Land Art and Guided Tours

    3pm - 5pm
    When you arrive you will be greeted by Nature's Atelier mentors who will take you on a guided tour of our environments.

    After which you can join. in at your leisure a beautiful nature-based Land Art Encounter.
    Elaine Cockerly and Nan Vivian Wed will lead an encounter to create a land art installation on Boodja. This encounter will be ongoing from 3pm till 5 pm

  • Tucker Time- Whole Community Gathering

    Tucker Time- Whole Community Gathering

    4pm- 6:30pm
    Dinner will be served via a choice of food trucks, you will have a token which will allow you to select your tucker.

  • Welcome session- Whole Community Gathering

    Welcome session- Whole Community Gathering

    6:30 pm- 9pm

    The Welcome Session will be held in the Amphitheatre.

    Welcome to Country by Noongar Elder.

    Ringmaster Daniel will introduce and lead the evenings session which includes:

    - Gillian McAuliffe presents Nature's Atelier-A Big Dream
    - Rusty Keeler - Reflections

Early Encounters 13th September 2025*

  • Yoga on Country-Whole Community Gathering

    Yoga on Country-Whole Community Gathering [23 remaining]

    7.45 am - 8:30 am Join a yoga session and start the day feeling fresh and energized

  • Walk on Booja-Whole Community Gathering

    Walk on Booja-Whole Community Gathering [23 remaining]

    7.45 am - 8:30 am Take an early morning walk on our property and discover some hidden secrets

  • Sleep in!

    Sleep in!

    Prefer, to start your day a little later? No worries! Arrive by 8:30 am instead in time to grab a tea, coffee or muffin and start your day.

  • My choice wasn't available

    My choice wasn't available

    If demand is there we may open more early sessions.

13th September 2025

  • Coffee, Tea and Muffins

    Coffee, Tea and Muffins

    8 am - 9 am before the day starts find Coffee, Tea and Muffins on the veranda of Danjoo.

  • Deep Nature Connection - Whole Community Gathering

    Deep Nature Connection - Whole Community Gathering

    9.15 am -10.45 am Join Daniel and Trudi from Educated by Nature in the amphitheater where they will lead us all as we connect to Booja ahead of a day of learning together.

  • Breakout Sessions 1

    Breakout Sessions 1

    10:45 am to 12:15pm a choice of breakout sessions will be offered. Bookings for break-out sessions to be released later.

  • Lunch


    12:15pm to 1:15pm
    Lunch will be provided.

  • Breakout Sessions 2

    Breakout Sessions 2

    1:15 pm - 2:45 pm A choice of breakout sessions will be offered. Bookings for breakout sessions to be released later.

  • Afternoon Tea

    Afternoon Tea

    2:45 pm - 3:15 pm
    Afternoon tea/coffee and light refreshments will be provided.

  • Breakout Sessions 3

    Breakout Sessions 3

    3:15 pm - 4:45pm A choice of breakout sessions will be offered. Bookings for breakout sessions to be released later.

Saturday 13th 2025- Optional Networking Dinner at Shelter Busselton

  • Networking Dinner

    Networking Dinner

    Looking for a pleasant place to eat on Saturday.

    We will be booking tables for 7pm at Shelter Brewery in Busselton. On the Beach, walk the jetty, meet and network with your fellow gathering participants.
    Please indicate if you are going to attend so that we can book places.
    (please note the cost of this opportunity is not covered by registration and is for gathering numbers for table reservation only. All food and drinks to be paid for by participants )


14th September 2025

  • Farm and Food Forest Exploration and Networking (Optional)

    Farm and Food Forest Exploration and Networking (Optional)

    8am - 9am
    Take a moment to enjoy our environments:
    - Explore our food forest and visit our farm animals.
    - Find a sit spot on Booja as discussed by Daniel and Trudi in their Deep Nature Connection Session.
    - Network and reflect on your experience so far, what the day ahead will offer.

  • Coffee /Tea and Pastries  Gathering Extra

    Coffee /Tea and Pastries Gathering Extra

    8am - 9am on the Danjoo veranda grab a coffee and tucker to refill for the day.

  • Break out Sessions Four

    Break out Sessions Four

    9:15 am - 10:45 am
    A choice of breakout sessions will be offered. Bookings for break-out sessions to be released later.

  • Break Out Sessions Five

    Break Out Sessions Five

    10:45 am -12:15 pm
    A choice of breakout sessions will be offered. Bookings for break-out sessions to be released later.

  • Lunch


    12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

  • Break Outs Session Six

    Break Outs Session Six

    1:15 pm to 2:45 pm.
    This breakout session allows you to choose a a peer group to join and reflect with. This breakout session is currently open for booking selection below.

  • Afternoon Tea

    Afternoon Tea

    2:45 pm - 3:30 pm
    Tea, coffe and afternoon tea available in Danjoo.

  • Farewell- Whole Community Gathering

    Farewell- Whole Community Gathering

    3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Conference Farewell and Reflection Led by our Ring Master Daniel Burton at the Amphitheater

After Conference Extra Gatherings 14th September 2025

  • BYO Campfire cookout

    BYO Campfire cookout

    5 pm - 6:30 pm
    Campfire - cook your own BBQ

  • Karaoke


    6 pm
    If you are game Karaoke and heaps of fun to celebrate the weekend.

Breakout Sessions One - Booking

  • Coming Soon

    Coming Soon

    Saturday 13th September 2025
    are working on this and will publish soon. You will be notified when you can add you selection to your registration,

Breakout Sessions Two - Booking

  • Coming Soon

    Coming Soon

    Saturday 13th September 2025
    1:15 pm - 2:45 pm
    We are working on this and will publish soon. You will be notified when you can add you selection to your registration,

Breakout Sessions Three- Booking

  • Coming Soon

    Coming Soon

    Saturday 13th September 2025
    We are working on this and will publish soon. You will be notified when you can add you selection to your registration,

Breakout Sessions Four - Booking

  • Coming Soon

    Coming Soon

    Sunday 14th September 2025
    We are working on this and will publish soon. You will be notified when you can add you selection to your registration,

Breakout Sessions Five - Booking

  • Coming Soon

    Coming Soon

    Sunday 14th September 2025
    10.45 am-12.15 pm
    We are working on this and will publish soon. You will be notified when you can add you selection to your registration,

Breakout Sessions Six- Booking*

  • Peer Reflection- Early Childhood

    Peer Reflection- Early Childhood

    The opportunity for Early Childhood mentors to meet and reflect on the weekend and share their stories.

  • Peer Reflection Playworkers

    Peer Reflection Playworkers

    This opportunity off Playworksers working in the Ouit of School sector to meet and share their stories.

  • Peer Reflection Allied Health and Mentors of children with additional rights

    Peer Reflection Allied Health and Mentors of children with additional rights

    Do you work in Allied Health or with citizens with additional rights. This will be an opportunity to reflect on the weekend and share stories.

  • Peer Reflection Schools based Programs

    Peer Reflection Schools based Programs

    The opportunity for School based mentors to meet and reflect on the weekend and share their stories.

  • Peer Reflection Community Based Programs

    Peer Reflection Community Based Programs

    The opportunity for mentors working in the community to meet and reflect on the weekend and share their stories.

  • Peer Reflection - Dreamers

    Peer Reflection - Dreamers

    Do you have a big dream , or are in the process of realising a dream. Come together and support each other .

  • University/TAFE Educators

    University/TAFE Educators

Playing with children on Booja

  • Infants and Toddlers 9.30 am - 2.30 pm

    Infants and Toddlers 9.30 am - 2.30 pm

    Tuesday the 9th of September
    Infants and Toddlers
    Join our Soft Space and Hub Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.opportunity to ask questions

    Price $165.00

  • Infants and Toddlers 9.30 am - 2.30 pm

    Infants and Toddlers 9.30 am - 2.30 pm

    Wednesday 10th of September
    Infants and Toddlers
    Join our Soft Space and Hub Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors. opportunity to ask questions

    Price $165.00

  • Infants and Toddlers 9.30 am - 2.30 pm

    Infants and Toddlers 9.30 am - 2.30 pm

    Tuesday the 16th of September
    Infants and Toddlers
    Join our Soft Space and Hub Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.opportunity to ask questions

    Price $165.00

  • Infants and Toddlers 9.30am - 2.30 pm

    Infants and Toddlers 9.30am - 2.30 pm

    Wednesday 17th of September
    Infants and Toddlers
    Join our Soft Space and Hub Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.opportunity to ask questions

    Price $165.00

  • Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30am-2.30pm

    Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30am-2.30pm

    Tuesday the 9th of September
    Join our Gardeners and Bush Kindy Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

  • Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30 am-2.30 pm

    Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30 am-2.30 pm

    Wednesday the 10th of September
    Join our Gardeners and Bush Kindy Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

  • Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30 am-2.30 pm

    Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30 am-2.30 pm

    Tuesday the 16th of September
    Join our Gardeners and Bush Kindy Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

  • Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30 am-2.30 pm

    Pre-Kindy and Kindy 9.30 am-2.30 pm

    Wednesday the 17th of September
    Join our Gardeners and Bush Kindy Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

  • Out of School Hours Program  2pm - 6pm

    Out of School Hours Program 2pm - 6pm

    Tuesday the 9th of September
    Join our Djindas Children and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

  • Out of School Hours Program  2pm - 6pm

    Out of School Hours Program 2pm - 6pm

    Wednesday the 10th of September
    Djindas and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

  • Out of School Program  2pm - 6pm

    Out of School Program 2pm - 6pm

    Wednesday the 16th of September
    Djindas and Mentors to see their day unfold. Lunch will be provided and there will be there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

  • Out of School Program  2pm - 6pm

    Out of School Program 2pm - 6pm

    Wednesday the 17th of September
    Djindas and Mentors to see their day unfold. Afternoon Tea will be provided and there will be an opportunity to discuss your day with mentors.

    Price $165.00

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  • Visa
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  • American Express
  • Discover
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